Research Databases By Title

×The SDCC Library will be closed Dec 20 - Jan 3 & the SCS Library will be closed Dec 14 - Jan 1. Merry Christmas

More than 3,000 Cambridge University Press ebooks plus new titles to come covering the social sciences especially in Communication, Film, History, Management, Mass Media, Sociology, & Psychology.

Currently offers nearly 400 eBooks from trusted printed volumes published since the 1960's through 2018; value added to nearly any aspect of historical research; includes extensive bibliographic reference linking and personal archives; subjects include ancient history, American history, histories of Africa, Britain, China, India, Iran, Latin America and more, English literature, Judaism, literature, philosophy, and religion.

Indexing for more than 160 publications with articles and reviews from an evangelical viewpoint including science, literature, medicine, music, philosophy, history, sociology, nursing, and education. Indexing for most titles from 1976 to the present. To see a list of titles that are indexed click here.

Cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 620 journals, and selected coverage of nearly 200 more, including full text for 350 journals in the communication studies field.

The Coronavirus Research Database brings together trusted content from journals, preprints, conference proceedings, dissertations and more related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. This database brings together not only content from open-access journals, but also pre-prints and additional content being made freely available by major publishers from around the world. This versatile content set is designed to help students, researchers, and health care professionals investigate answers to pressing questions arising in the wake of the pandemic. The database will continue to grow as more is learned and new content is published.

An online reference service covering every major subject from the world's best publishers of reference; currently includes full text entries from over 800 reference books.