Library Help

×The SDCC Library will be closed Dec 20 - Jan 3 & the SCS Library will be closed Dec 14 - Jan 1. Merry Christmas

Librarians are available to provide help in a multitude of ways. Click on any of the links below about getting help from a library professional.

Need help looking for sources for a paper or project? For help using/searching the library catalog or the Library’s research databases, locating materials on a particular topic, or with any other research need, you are encouraged to ask the Library Staff for help during normal library hours, submit a request using the Ask-A-Librarian Form or by calling either the College Library at (619) 201-8680, or the Seminary Library at (619) 201-8966.

For more in-depth research projects or help in starting a research paper, make an appointment with a College reference librarian by calling (619) 201-8680, or by email, or with a Seminary reference librarian by calling (619) 201-8967, or by email.

Build your library research skills, watch a video about how to use a particular research database, or review the recommended sources for a specific course or assignment.

Database Guides

This guide provides videos tutorials and handouts which demonstrate how to use the library’s research databases to locate and retrieve articles, e-books, streaming audio & video, and more.

Library Research Guides

A series of guides to help develop your researching skills and broaden your knowledge of library resources.


These guides provide recommendations for the best sources (books, periodicals, databases, and websites) for a subject/discipline, a specific course or even for a specific assignment.

Citation Guide

The guides helps students cite their sources whether they are required to use the APA, CSE, MLA or Turabian style. This includes information about using EasyBib (a citation generator), understanding plagiarism, and provides examples for the basic forms of typical sources you will use in your paper: References (APA), Works Cited (MLA), or Bibliographies (Turabian), as well as examples on parenthetical citation (APA, MLA), and footnotes (CSE, Turabian).

Tutorial Videos

A listing of all SDC & SCS Library created tutorial videos covering various aspects of research or research resources.