Computers & Printing

×The SDCC Library will be closed Dec 20 - Jan 3 & the SCS Library will be closed Dec 14 - Jan 1. Merry Christmas

Wireless & Electrical Outlets

A wireless network for Internet access and multiple electrical outlets are available in the Library. There is an open wireless network for guest users.


A student ID (which is linked to your network account) is required to copy or print. The cost of printing/copying at SDCC is $.08 for black & white, and $.30 for color. The cost of printing/copying at SCS is $.06 for black & white, and $.25 for color.


There are 30 computers available in the SDCC Library and 3 computers (1 with Bible software) in the SCS Library which provide Internet and email access, as well as other computing needs. Each computer is equipped with Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise as well as Microsoft Office and other software programs, DVD/RW drives and headphones. You must have a valid SDCC or SCS network account to access the computers and subscription databases, or check in at the Circulation desk as a guest user.

Laptop Checkout

Both the SDCC & SCS Libraries have acquired laptop computers for use by students (within the library), staff and faculty (on campus). These wireless laptops are equipped with the Microsoft Office Suite and can connect to the wireless network. They are a significant investment for the library; respect for the equipment and the rights of others is requested.

Eligible Borrowers

  • Laptops are available for current students, staff and faculty.
  • Users with a library account in good standing. Users with library holds or suspended library privileges are not eligible to check out laptops until their library accounts are cleared of all charges.

Student Borrowing Guidelines

  • A valid, current institutional ID is required for checkout. This ID must be presented and will be retained until the laptop is returned and its condition checked by library staff. There are no exceptions to this policy unless approved by the Library Director.
  • A current Laptop Loan Agreement form must be completed by students and signed prior to checking out a laptop. Once signed, the agreement will be retained through the current academic semester at the Circulation Desk.
  • Laptops must be used in the library or in another on-campus location with prior librarian approval; they may not be taken off school property. Removing a laptop or any of its peripherals from school property will be considered theft. In case of a campus evacuation, keep the laptop with you and return it when you are permitted to re-enter.
  • Laptops are available on a first-come first-served basis. They cannot be reserved or transferred between library locations.
  • The loan period is 4 hours with one renewal if no one is waiting. Laptops are cataloged in WMS and will be checked out through the library catalog.
  • Laptops may not be checked out for other individuals.
  • Only one laptop may be checked out per person.
  • Laptop computers must not be left unattended at any time. Users checking out laptops are responsible for them the entire time they are checked out to the individual.

Staff and Faculty Borrowing Guidelines

  • A valid, current institutional ID is required for checkout.
  • Laptops must be used on campus; they may not be taken off school property. Removing a laptop or any of its peripherals from the campus will be considered theft. In case of a library evacuation, keep the laptop with you and return it when you are permitted to re-enter the building.
  • Laptops are available on a first-come first-served basis, except when reserved for group training. They cannot be transferred between library locations.
  • Laptops are cataloged in WMS and will be checked out through the library catalog.
  • The loan period is 4 hours with one renewal if no one is waiting.
  • Laptops may be checked out for other individuals for staff training.
  • Laptop computers must not be left unattended at any time. Users checking out laptops are responsible for them the entire time they are checked out to the individual.

Return Procedures

  • Laptops are due back to the Circulation Desk after 4 hours or 30 minutes before the library closes. There are no overnight loans on laptops.
  • The laptop must be returned to library staff at the Circulation Desk in the same operating condition as when it was borrowed, including all peripherals and accessories.
  • Library staff will check the laptop for any damage, prior to returning the patron’s ID. This may take 10 to 15 minutes.
  • If damage has occurred, charges will be assessed according to the schedule below.

Fines, Fees & Replacement Costs

  • The overdue fine for a laptop returned after it is due is $5 per hour or part of an hour up to a maximum of $115.  All fines and charges will be attached to the student’s library account and may result in registration restrictions and the blocking of transcripts. Staff and faculty will accrue overdue fines.
  • If a laptop is 24 hours overdue, it is considered lost or stolen and the student (or staff/faculty department) checking out the laptop will be charged for its replacement. The individual checking out the laptop assumes all responsibility for the laptop while in his/her custody. The Library assumes no responsibility if the laptop is stolen while checked out to a patron.
  • The borrower will be responsible for the appropriate replacement charges and a non-refundable $30 processing fee (in addition to accrued late charges). Fines and fees are billed to the student account or staff/faculty department.


  • Overdue fine (per hour) $5.00 ($115.00 max)

Replacement Costs

  • Computer $1,500.00
  • Power cord with AC Adapter $100.00
  • Mouse $20.00
  • Battery $150.00


  • Processing fee: $30.00

Laptop Agreement

The first time a student checks out a laptop each semester, a Laptop Agreement Form must be completed and signed. This agreement acknowledges financial responsibility for lost or damaged equipment. The form will be kept on file at the Circulation Desk in the library for that semester.

Saving Files

  • Users need to save their data to their thumb drives or to their personal Web space. Do not save anything to the laptop’s “C” drive; it will be deleted once the laptop is powered off.
  • Users are encouraged to save their work frequently. Battery failure may result in lost work.

Additional Guidelines

  • Users may not attach unauthorized hardware to the laptops, install personal software, or change system settings.
  • Neither the College or Seminary Library nor San Diego Christian College or Southern California Seminary is responsible for damage to personal disks or for the loss of any data during the loan period.


  • If you experience problems with laptop hardware or applications, please bring the laptop to the Circulation Desk for assistance.